Philine Widmer


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About me

My research covers topics related to the media, algorithms, and their relation to political and market institutions. Methodologically, I specialize in developing new approaches to quantify politically and economically relevant concepts from unstructured data such as text.

In January 2023, I joined ETH Zurich as a Post-Doctoral researcher, working at the Center for Law & Economics with Elliott Ash. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at the University of St.Gallen (summa cum laude, 2023), supervised by Roland Hodler. I visited the Paris School of Economics in 2021/2022, hosted by Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. In 2019, I visited ETH Zurich, hosted by Elliott Ash.

See my CV for more information.


I am co-organizing the Monash-Warwick-Zurich-CEPR Text-As-Data Workshop series, together with Elliott Ash and Sascha O. Becker. The next edition takes place on September 16th & 17th, 2024 (online). Submit your paper or extended abstract here until 4 August.

You can check out the programs of past editions.



Working Papers

Work in Progress


Own Courses

Teaching Assistance (University of St.Gallen)